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I did mention about writing a CV before but I will emphasize these 2 points again. When writing a CV:

    1.  Differentiate between Career Objective/C.O, Career Goals/C.G, Personal Description (About Me)/P.D and Skills Set/S.S.

  • Your C.O is what keeps you working, Why you are and would keep working.
  • Your C.G is what you hope to achieve in your career path.
  • Your P.D is you selling yourself as a business/employment solution. i.e Why should anyone be hiring you? What do they stand to gain or loose if they/they do not hire you.
  • Your S.S is a bullet point of what characteristics/attributes/talents you have that improves your chances/builds on your ability to deliver in your prospective work environment.
    2.  Work experience should not be concise. It is your ticket to impressing the recruiting officer you cannot see

  • Don't just stop at e.g NYSC: Teaching 2014 - 2015 
  • What was your routine as a teacher?
  • What did you achieve (little or great) as a teacher
  • What was your job description as a teacher?
  • Any acknowledgments you got?

Do this and apply it to every other work experience you put on your CV.

Do NOT summarize your working experience. It is practically the most important aspect of your CV.

Good luck
