United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hiring National Consultants

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) helps developing countries attract and use aid effectively. In all our activities, we encourage the protection of human rights, capacity development and the empowerment of women.
We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: National Consultant: Baseline Survey for Emergency Assistance to Women/Girl IDPs and other Women/Girls Survivors of Insurgency in Northern Nigeria
Adamawa, Bauchi, Gombe States and F.C.T, Nigeria
Additional Category: Gender Equality
Type of Contract: Individual Contract
Post Level: National Consultant
Starting Date: 1st July, 2019.
Duration of Initial Contract: 30 Days
Expected Duration of Assignment: 30 Days

Duties and Responsibilities
  • The baseline survey consultant will carry out this assignment under the direct supervision of UN Women’s Coordinator for this Humanitarian project.
  • The purpose of this assignment is to establish current status of women and girls as well as condition of relevant services and expertise available to meet their needs within the current humanitarian settings in Adamawa, Bauchi and Gombe States, Northern Nigeria.
  • The objective is to enable UN Women obtain baseline data against set performance indicators related to addressing critical gender gaps in the on-going humanitarian response activities in the following three areas:
  • Comprehensive emergency assistance initiatives for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) women/girls and survivors of SGBV in target areas (psychosocial, medical, justice, security etc);
  • Economic capacity of women and social rehabilitation efforts in place to meet the needs of women affected by crisis for peaceful cohabitation in target areas;
  • Existing coordination mechanisms for a more comprehensive and gender-responsive approach to Humanitarian response in Nigeria.

The following indicators included in the project results framework reflect critical issues that need to be considered for the baseline survey:
  • Of survivor services put in place;
  • Of survivors of SGBV supported with psychosocial assistance;
  • Of women sitting in decision-making spheres on camp management;
  • Of quick impact Projects supported;
  • Of humanitarian actors trained in Gender/GBV response;
  • Of studies and situation analysis on gender/GBV and on the situation of rescues produced.
The baseline data gathered will facilitate identification of relevant interventions and actors as well as inform future mid-term monitoring and end of project evaluations thereby facilitating effective measurement of results and attribution to project efforts.
The following are the expected results from this baseline study:
  • Changes anticipated as part of this intervention clearly identified;
  • Enhanced understanding of gender responsiveness of humanitarian action in the 3 project states;
  • Priority areas on Economic Empowerment for women and girls affected by the insurgency identified and initiated.
Preparation for the study:
  • Prepare workplan and finalize budget delineating timelines for activities related to this 30-day assignment;
  • Develop relevant research instruments and methodology for the study;
  • Coordinate the work of local data collectors at state level to generate information and pre-test and finalize tools;
  • Prepare an inception report outlining the approach/ methodology to be employed in executing the assignment and a detailed program for the baseline with;
  • Timeline/schedule of activities;
  • Sampling framework;
  • Detailed methodology of how to collect, triangulate and summarize the primary and secondary data (quantitative and qualitative)
  • Undertake field survey:
  • Conduct consultations with stakeholders, including relevant government Ministries, Departments and Agencies to gather critical information and clarify issues related to this assignment.
  • Consult with Civil Society Organisations, Development partners and other Non-State Actors at state level to collect information to inform finding and recommendations in the report.
  • Undertake gender analysis of existing humanitarian response and coordination mechanisms in the target states, in terms of their capacity to meet the distinct needs of women and girls as against other interest groups:
  • Identify the number of women and girls who are currently in IDP camps and host communities in the project states (particularly escapees from Boko Haram captivity and survivors of SGBV), noting the number of those able to access services.
  • Identify existence/non-existence of crisis centers in the 3 project states and determine their capacity to provide holistic integrated emergency assistance to IDP women and girls, as well as survivors of SGBV.
  • Ascertain and assess existing service providers of psycho-social support (individual and institutional), including the Nigeria Police and determine gaps in meeting the needs of IDP and survivors of SGBV.
  • Identify viable economic empowerment alternatives for IDP women and girls and survivors of violence ad number of women and girls who currently gave access to economic empowerment initiatives.
  • Identify UN agencies and other development partners on ground, interventions provided by them and gaps in meeting the needs of target beneficiaries.
  • Analyse and synthesize information and data gathered as well as articulate findings and recommendations on ways to systematically strengthen gender responsive humanitarian action for internally displaced persons both in camps and in host communities. Report not to exceed 20 pages:
  • Prepare and submit a draft baseline report for review and feedback;
  • Submit final Baseline report with inputs and comments integrated;
  • Conduct de-briefing meeting at the UN Women Office;
  • Inception report and workplan with duration not exceeding a span of 30 working days, to be approved by UN Women. Workplan to take into consideration all the tasks outlined in section V above;
  • Research/review instruments and methodology;
  • List of intended contacts and stakeholders to be engaged/interviewed in this assignment;
  • A modest budget for the Baseline Survey review activities;
  • Draft and Final analytical and process reports of all activities within the framework of the assignment with clear recommendations.

Corporate Competencies:
  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UN Women;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism.

Functional Competencies:
  • Highly developed research assistance skills;
  • Strong analytical skills, and ability to rapidly analyze and integrate diverse information from varied sources;
  • Able to use the Internet and other research and applied statistical tools effectively;
  • Identifies priority activities and assignments;
  • Teamwork - excellent interpersonal, organizational and management skills and ability to work within multi-disciplinary teams.

Development and Operational Effectiveness:
  • Able to manage complex problems proactively and effectively, including responses to field based emergencies;
  • Ability to operate effectively in a changing and complex environment, and to produce results under stress;
  • Consistently approach work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Proven organizational and communication skills;
  • Demonstrate strong oral and written communication skills;
  • Demonstrate openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
  • Strong analytical capabilities;
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills.

Required Skills and Experience
  • Advanced degree in Law, Conflict Studies, Human Rights, Gender Studies or any other relevant field.
  • Experience:
  • Minimum 10 years professional experience in the area of peace building, conflict resolution, peace and security, human rights, gender and/or development preferably in Nigeria;
  • Strong research background. Experience in data collection and analysis;
  • Knowledge of women’s rights issues in the context of Peace and Security, gender equality and SGBV matters;
  • Able to work independently with efficiency and competence;
  • Excellent written and oral skills.
  • Fluency in English;
  • Fluency in a major local language of northern Nigeria will be highly valued.
