Sending CVs and Job Applications

  • Following my perilous experience with CVs sent in by job applicants this past week, I wish to give some piece of advice to whoever reading this.
  • When applying for a job online especially through a job board (sites you visit to see job vacancy updates), ALWAYS attach an updated (Most recent) CV in the simplest format possible (i suggest MsWORD). 
  • Don't just fill in your registration details and then send your applications. 
  • A note/cover letter of a million words means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING without a CV attached with it. 
  • Especially for those who use Careers24, Job mag and Employement Nigeria sites. Please it is for your own good not to waste your time and internet fees.
  • Finally, for all that can be appealed to, never ever send me (or any recruiter by default) an image CV i.e a .jpg CV neither send a scanned CV except directed otherwise.
